Our web page is connected to a system of safe electronic payments Redsys and allows to pay our services with any credit card Visa and Master Card, emitted by any foreign bank. The system of safe electronic payments is based on the most modern standard of safety – 3D Secure, which provides the maximum safety for your payments on the Internet. The technology “3D Secure” forms part of a global system Visa "Verified by Visa" and Master Card “Master Card Secure Code” which aim is to provide and guarantee safe and secure methods of payments of goods and services on the Internet. More than 15 millions of Visa card holders all over the world are active users of the service “Verified by Visa”. Nowadays more than 40 thousands of internet shops and 15 thousands of banks support the 3D Secure system. We integrated this system to our web page in order to provide the safe system of payments to our clients.
Verified by Visa – the new service that allows you to buy online, providing the additional security of your operations. Using the simple procedure of verification, Verified by Visa will confirm your identity during the process of purchase in online shops that participate in this program. One of the advantages of Verified by Visa is its simplicity. You register your card only once and receive the password. Afterwards, when you buy in one of the web shops that participate in this program, the pop-up window Verified by Visa appears automatically. You just need to insert your password and confirm the operation. Your identity will be confirmed and your purchase will be done in a safe mode. To activate Verified by Visa service for your Visa card or to get more detailed information just get in touch with your bank.
Master Card Secure Code - the new service of Master Card that provides you the additional security during the internet shopping. In order to use this service, you don’t need the new card because you can use the one you have. You choose your personal Secure Code that will be the same for all web shops. This password will give you an additional security against not authorized usage of your card during the internet shopping. Every time when you use your card in online shops that are participants of Master Card Secure Code program, the pop-up window requesting your personal password will appear automatically and you just need to indicate it. This process is similar to the pin code entry when you use a cash machine. In a few seconds the issuing bank will confirm your identity and you will be able to purchase in a safe mode.